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Cambodia 🇰🇭

Welcome to your guide to intriguing Cambodia, a country that enriches visitors with its magnificent temples, lush landscapes and rich cultural heritage. From the vibrant streets of Phnom Penh and Siem Reap, the majestic grandeur of Angkor Wat, to the idyllic tranquility of the islands in the Gulf of Thailand, Cambodia offers an array of experiences that move the soul.

Cambodia, though smaller than its neighbors, is a country that impresses any traveler with its undeniable charm and complexity. Cambodia’s history is one of both stunning achievements and gripping tragedy, from the glorious ancient Khmer Empire to the more recent, horrific history of the Khmer Rouge. But what truly forms the heart of the country is its people, whose unwavering resilience and warm hospitality touch every visitor. Historic sites such as the Killing Fields and the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum in Phnom Penh offer poignant insight into the country’s darker periods, while the majestic temples of Angkor attest to the stunning artistic and architectural achievements of the ancient Khmer Empire.

But Cambodia is more than just its history. The country offers an abundance of natural beauty, from the pristine beaches of Sihanoukville and the idyllic islands of the Gulf of Thailand to the lush rainforest and wildlife of the Cardamom Mountains. Cambodian cuisine, an often overlooked gem of Southeast Asian gastronomy, enchants with its subtle spices, fresh ingredients and unique combinations of flavors.


Phnom Penh



Time difference

Summer time 5h, winter time 6h


Cambodian Riel

The ideal itinerary through Cambodia

Are you looking for the ideal itinerary through Cambodia that captures all the highlights of this historic country? Then quickly consult our itinerary through Cambodia. Go back in time with the impressive temples of Angkor, explore the charming cities, discover the tragic history and enjoy the local cuisine in this intriguing Southeast Asian country.